In the 1972 book “The UFO Experience,” J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer from Northwestern University and former consultant to the...
While states like New Mexico and Nevada are among the most common spots in the U.S. for UFO sightings, Minnesota...
The Big Picture Encounters is a compelling docuseries on Netflix that explores real-life encounters with UFOs and aliens, making it...
Pilot and businessman Steve Allen was living a “blessed” life in Stephenville, Texas, in 2008. He owned his own successful...
On the 27th of September, Netflix debuted the first of four episodes of “Encounters.” It’s a new UFO-themed series produced...
Encounters: l’industria degli UFO è una serie documentaria di Netflix che rivela le esperienze personali di persone che credono di...
Following its release on Netflix, Encounters has been hailed by fans as the “best UFO series” ever. Following last year’s...
For five months after Halloween of 2007, more than 300 locals living 80 miles southwest of Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas began reporting...
The mysterious and unexplained have always held a fascination for humanity, and few topics intrigue us as much as the...
Nicht erst seit der UFO-Anhrung im US-Kongress vor wenigen Wochen sind viele Menschen davon berzeugt, dass wir nicht allein im...