6 de octubre de 2024


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Major Airport Crowned ‘UFO Hotspot’ After Countless Strange Sightings

Major Airport Crowned ‘UFO Hotspot’ After Countless Strange Sightings

A slew of articles published Monday crowned a major British airport a “UFO hotspot” after a series of strange sightings in the last six years. Some 27 reports of strange UFOs/UAPs have emerged around England’s Stansted Airport in the last six years, according to the Daily Star. Some of these sightings are reportedly classified as

A slew of articles published Monday crowned a major British airport a “UFO hotspot” after a series of strange sightings in the last six years.

Some 27 reports of strange UFOs/UAPs have emerged around England’s Stansted Airport in the last six years, according to the Daily Star. Some of these sightings are reportedly classified as “near misses” as mystery objects hurl themselves around the skies above this busy facility. Back in 2022, a Ryanair flight was nearly hit by something that didn’t appear on the drone-monitoring equipment, but managed to get some 4,000 feet into the air, the outlet reported.

“These fascinating revelations illustrate that whatever one thinks about UFOs there’s a credible and serious flight safety issue involved,” former Ministry of Defense (MOD) chief Nick Pope stated, according to the outlet. “When an object passes within 20 [meters] of an aircraft this is a very close call by anyone’s definition. This, and the other incidents revealed in this FOI response, shows that it was a mistake for the MOD to terminate their UFO investigation [program] at the end of 2009 and suggests it’s time to reverse this policy.”

Daily Caller

RyanAir Pilot Says UFO Appeared Shockingly Close To Passenger Flighthttps://t.co/d5O6sAmG7P

— Baptiste Friscourt (@Baptiste_Fri) November 14, 2023

In another example, multiple aircraft reported an object within their vicinity, roughly 500 feet below them as they lined up to land on Stansted’s Runway 22, an Essex police report explained, the Daily Star reported. Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) on the aircraft reportedly detected the object, but none of the pilots could see anything in the skies, the report added. (RELATED: Video Appears To Show ‘UFO’ Flying By Air Force One At Los Angeles International Airport)

Whether these things are alien or not shouldn’t bother those employed to investigate these incidents. Stansted reportedly serves some 27 million passengers annually, so anything flying close to planes needs to be addressed.

“Even if people are skeptical and think this is all just drone activity it should be borne in mind that while drones can be flown as a hobby, or by surveyors, they can also be used in espionage and terrorism. Either way — and particularly in crowded flight paths — we need to identify all objects in our airspace,” Pope said, the Daily Star reported. (RELATED: UFO Investigations Halted Over Fears Of ‘Demonic Forces,’ Former Defense Minister Claims)

He reportedly further argued that, here in the U.S., we apparently take issues like this very seriously (though our most recent UFO/UAP bill was a total joke). The same level of care needs to be applied to investigating these incidents in the U.K. in order to “mitigate” their potential threat, Pope added, according to  the outlet.