22 de febrero de 2025


Informaciones Exclusivas sobre extraterrestres y ovnis en todo el mundo.

WTF? Not A Drone! Strange Star-Shaped UFO Filmed In California

WTF? Not A Drone! Strange Star-Shaped UFO Filmed In California

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Patrick Star from SpongeBob? Maybe? I've heard of a flying squirrel, but this is weird. When I was first told about this footage, I just assumed it was a drone. But the actual footage makes you realize it is either NOT A DRONE... or it is a very

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Patrick Star from SpongeBob? Maybe? I’ve heard of a flying squirrel, but this is weird. When I was first told about this footage, I just assumed it was a drone. But the actual footage makes you realize it is either NOT A DRONE… or it is a very ugly drone.

Allegedly filmed on Sunday, August 27th of 2023, in Santa Monica, California, the video shows a star shaped UFO or UAP (for those who are getting with the new terminology of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). According to an eyewitness, the roughly 20-foot object changed shape while just above the treetops.

WTF? Security Footage Catch SOMETHING Walking Through California Backyard

WTF? Security Footage Catch SOMETHING Walking Through California Backyard

By the time they could start recording the object, it had begun moving silently away, keeping its star shape.


To me, the video looks to be a helium balloon, which is what the eyewitness claims they thought at first but dismissed it due to its behavior and size.

Weird Star-shaped UFO next to palm trees

YouTube/UFO Sightings Daily


Could it be some type of aircraft? Maybe. A bird? Doubtful. Could it be a Balloon from the Dollar Store making its escape? Judging only by the video footage (shown below)… probably. Alien in origin… who knows!


What do you think it could be? Tap the Station App and let us know!

How Screwed Are California, Oregon, & Washington Against An Alien Invasion

How Screwed Are California, Oregon, & Washington Against An Alien Invasion

LOOK: The states with the most UFO sightings

For each state, we’ve also included details of famous UFO sightings in that state. Of note is that almost three-quarters of all UFO sighting reports in the United States occur between 4 p.m. and midnight, and tend to peak between 9 and 10 p.m. Food for thought next time you’re out scoping for alien life. Keep reading to see which states have had the most UFO sightings.

20 UFO Sightings Reported by Amazed Witnesses in Western Colorado

People see UFOs all the time. Some are lucky enough to capture photos or videos. If you are sure you saw one, you can report it to the National UFO Reporting Center.

Reports of UFOs in Western Colorado happen every year. Keep going to see the dates and locations of Colorado’s recent UFO sightings from the Western Slope.

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