A new witness to a bizarre 'alien abduction' in 1973 that is at the center of a new Netflix show has...
A new bill that hopes to protect civil aviators from reprisal for reporting unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) will "close the...
New York continues to be one of the leading states in the country for sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects.There is...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Joan Hieta was in the hospital room when UFO seen outside Cowichan District Hospital in 1970 Joan Hieta remembers the...
Around 8pm, he saw a UFO over his mailbox Published: 23:48 ET, Nov 28 2023Updated: 0:37 ET, Nov 29 2023A...