Ukrainian soldiers believe they spotted a disk-shaped UFO using a reconnaissance drone deployed in battle, a video circulating on social...
Deep in the heart of Massachusetts is a spooky place known as 'Monsterland' - a five-mile stretch famed for its paranormal...
Click here to sign up to our free newsletters! Dylan is fondly remembered by friends and family.LOVED ones paying tribute...
THIS baffling footage shows dozens of mysterious glowing dots flying over city buildings in the night sky. The video filmed...
"Wild" images have emerged showing a UFO that people think looks like a "flying bottle opener". A video and a...
A mystery object has been found on the roof of a home in Philadelphia. The Lima family have been left...
A UFO whistleblower claims mysterious black helicopters swooped in and retrieved a "UFO" shot down by USAF jets. Just under...
Late in the evening, along the desolate stretch of highway between Matias and Barbosa, Brazil, an extraordinary event unfolded on...
Miami police have debunked online rumors of an alleged 'alien' sighting after a mall was shut down.2024 hasn't begun with...
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