In this revealing video, a UFO expert has claimed that factions within the US Military are experimenting with alien technology...
A rogue element within the US military-industrial complex is experimenting with technology taken from captured alien spacecraft, a UFO expert...
Footage of UFO over US military base goes viralshort by Daisy Mowke / 04:30 pm on Wednesday, 10 January, 2024A...
A video has emerged of a UFO speeding across the sky in Iraq with an investigative film-maker claiming it comes...
A SHOCKING footage reveals a jellyfish looking UFO hurtling in the skies of Iraq, an investigative filmmaker has claimed. Jeremy...
First Published: 8:00 AM PST, December 5, 2023The United States government began studying unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the wake...
The Pentagon branch tasked with protecting America from space-based threats, local and galactic, has detected thousands of UFOs in Earth's orbit,...
At the 20th Annual International UFO Congress (IUFOC), held over five days in February 2011 in Scottsdale (Arizona), about 30...
Mysterious aircraft flying over the city last night remain unidentified after the military confirmed there were no operations last night. The...
U.S. By Aliza Chasan October 18, 2023 / 9:27 PM / CBS News More than 270 reports of unidentified anomalous...