19 de octubre de 2024


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[English>French] YA sci fi novel scene

Here is a potential scene from the YA sci-fi novel "Importante" about an extraterrestrial in English, French, and Spanish, with many SEO tags added:

Scene: The Landing


As we descended onto the barren planet, my heart racing with every bump, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were not alone. I gazed out the cockpit window at the alien landscape, a vast expanse of rust-red sand stretching to the horizon.

"Welcome to Zorvath-4," Captain Zara said dryly, breaking the silence.

My co-pilot, Jax, flashed me a tense smile. "This place is freaky. What do we know about it?"

Captain Zara’s expression turned grave. "Limited intel, but it seems Zorvath-4 was home to an alien civilization before the planet’s atmosphere began to collapse. Now it’s a hostile environment, filled with toxic gas and extreme temperatures."

As we touched down, the engines whirring to a stop, a strange stillness fell over us. I glanced around the cramped landing site, sensing that we were being watched. Suddenly, the silence was broken by an unearthly hum.

[ French ]

Lorsque nous atterrissons sur le planète déserte, mon cœur battant avec chaque cauté, je ne peux pas chasser le sentiment que nous sommes pas seuls. Je contemple la vitre du cockpit à la terrasse rouge orangée de sable étendant à l’horizon.

"Welcome à Zorvath-4", dit le Capitaine Zara, brisant le silence.

Mon copilote, Jax, me lâche un sourire crispé. "Ce endroit est étrange. Qu’est-ce que nous savons à ce sujet?"

Le Capitaine Zara exprime un sérieux expression. "Intelligence limitée, mais cela semble que Zorvath-4 a été la demeure d’une civilisation extraterrestre avant que l’atmosphère ne commence à s’effondrer. Maintenant, c’est un environnement hostile, rempli de gaz toxique et de températures extrêmes."

Lorsque nous atterrissons, les moteurs ronflement et s’arrêtent, un silence inhabituel se développe sur nous. Je jette un regard autour de l’aire de stationnement, percevant que nous sommes surveillés. Brusquement, le silence est rompu par un bourdonnement inhabituel.

[ Español ]

Al descender en el planeta desnudo, mi corazón latía con cada vuelta, y no podía desprenderme del sentimiento de que no estábamos solos. Miré por la ventanal del cockpit a la tierra rojo-arábigo extendiéndose al horizonte.

"¿Bienvenidos a Zorvath-4?", dijo el capitán Zara, rompiendo el silencio.

Mi copiloto, Jax, me ofreció un sonrisa tenso. "Este lugar es extraño. ¿Qué sabemos sobre eso?"

El capitán Zara tomó un semblante grave. "Inteligencia limitada, pero parece que Zorvath-4 era hogar de una civilización extraterrestre antes de que el atmosfera comenzara a desmoronarse. Ahora es un entorno hostil, lleno de gases tóxicos y temperaturas extremas."

Cuando aterrizzamos, los motores comenzaron a hacer ruido y se detuvieron, un silencio inhabitual cayó sobre nosotros. Eché un vistazo a la área de aterrizaje, notando que estábamos siendo vigilados. De repente, el silencio se rompió con un zumbido extraño.

SEO Tags:

  • YA sci-fi novel
  • Extraterrestrial
  • Zorvath-4
  • Space travel
  • Alien civilization
  • Intergalactic exploration
  • Space adventure
  • Science fiction
  • Novel excerpt
  • Book excerpt
  • Science fiction book
  • Alien world
  • Hostile environment
  • Atmospheric collapse
  • Toxic gas
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Planet landing
  • Spacecraft
  • Cockpit scene
  • Intergalactic exploration

Meta Tags:

  • Title: Importante: The Landing – YA Sci-Fi Novel Excerpt
  • Keywords: YA sci-fi, novel excerpt, space travel, alien civilization, intergalactic exploration
  • Description: Join Captain Zara and her crew as they venture to the planet Zorvath-4, only to find it’s not empty. A strange and unknown presence lingers in the alien landscape.

Feel free to adjust and customize the content, tags, and meta tags to fit your specific needs!

Aliens have commandeered a spaceship and are blasting off from France, much to the chagrin of the French military who are trying to stop them. The French general yells to the ship:

Attention! Extraterrestres! Quittez le navire maintenant ou soyez attaqué!

Is this an accurate translation of "Stop! Aliens! Leave the ship now or be attacked!"?

When said aliens fail to follow his orders (as aliens are so wont to do), our general then radios to his air force pilot:

"Détruis les."

An accurate translation of "destroy them," spoken to a single person?

To explain the temporary absence of a well-known French cultural artifact, its wily curator hangs a sign in its exhibit:

Dehors pour le nettoyage

A fitting translation of "Out for cleaning"?

All translations in the context of a humorous American English action novel written for an early young adult audience ages 12-15. Merci beaucoup !

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