US government research has debunked decades of suspected UFO sightings, saying there is “no evidence” that aliens or their spaceships have come to Earth, but if they do, the Pentagon will have grab-and-go “UFO detector kits” at the ready.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), set up to review reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) — or UFOs — dating back to 1945, said in a report that most sightings were either ­terrestrial technology, military tests or cases of ­mistaken identity.

Some episodes could be traced back to tests or usage of classified US technology, such as a secret programme called Project Mogul that tested air balloons near Roswell, New Mexico, in the 1940s.

The Pentagon published a report debunking UFO sightings

The Pentagon published a report debunking UFO sightings


Other sightings, dating to the 1950s, were of the then secret