20 de septiembre de 2024


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US School Teacher Claims Egg-Shaped UFO Physically Impacted Her Before Being Spotted In Another City

US School Teacher Claims Egg-Shaped UFO Physically Impacted Her Before Being Spotted In Another City

February 23, 2024 11:35 AM ET A teacher from Southern Idaho recently claimed she spotted an egg-shaped UFO flying over the tiny town of Shelley, and it had a physical impact on her. The sighting apparently occurred on Jan. 10 over the small town of Shelley, according to the official report submitted to the National

A teacher from Southern Idaho recently claimed she spotted an egg-shaped UFO flying over the tiny town of Shelley, and it had a physical impact on her.

The sighting apparently occurred on Jan. 10 over the small town of Shelley, according to the official report submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). Shelley is a small town of just 5,000 residents near Twin Falls and is one of a handful of areas to see a recent uptick in UFO/UAP activity across Idaho, according to Idaho’s KEZJ radio station.

The witness claimed she saw two “blue balls” that seemed to be hanging from something or somewhere, but the witness couldn’t tell where, according to the NUFORC report. The “egg” shaped object was about 40 feet away from the witness when she said it emitted other objects. Shortly thereafter, the witness noted marks on their body.

Video Appears To Show ‘UFO’ Flying By Air Force One At Los Angeles International Airport | @DailyCaller

What convenient timing … https://t.co/BTJnRWdGKR

— KAY SMYTHE (@KaySmythe) December 21, 2023

“I’m a [school teacher], I know what I saw,” the witness misspelled in the report. But the weird thing is that someone reported a similarly strange object near Boise. The person said the object seemed to be an “upper structure with smaller elements hanging below.”

“Object was observed at higher elevation first and slowly moved west to east. Object moved lower in a continuous motion until it was no longer visible behind buildings. There are several videos and photos of the entire sighting. No sound noted. Difficult to describe the shape,” the second witness wrote. (RELATED: One State Is The Official ‘UFO Hotspot’ But There’s A Big Problem)

Of course, all of these are self-reports, so take everything with a massive pinch of salt. And if you’re bored this weekend, why not check out some of the other stories on NUFORC? They are extremely entertaining, and probably more honest than our government is about UFOs.