18 de enero de 2025


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Underground alien bases in New Mexico? | Medium

Underground alien bases in New Mexico? | Medium

In an article, dated October 18, 2022, posted on “Mysterious Universe”, the British author and investigator Nick Redfern asks if there is a secret underground base of aliens under New Mexico. Or is it all just a legend? I summarize the main ideas from the article below.Luke Hancock, CC0, via Wikimedia CommonsThe statements disseminated by

In an article, dated October 18, 2022, posted on “Mysterious Universe”, the British author and investigator Nick Redfern asks if there is a secret underground base of aliens under New Mexico. Or is it all just a legend? I summarize the main ideas from the article below.

Luke Hancock, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The statements disseminated by the conspiracists claim that dangerous and hostile aliens live under the small town of Dulce in the Rio Arriba district in northern New Mexico, in countless tunnels, caverns, and artificial rooms, dug far below the huge Archuleta Mesa plateau. It is just one of the stories about underground bases where nefarious experiments would take place.

Stories about Dulce began to appear in public in the latter part of the 1970s. What makes the case remarkable is that the initial rumors about the extraterrestrial facility, located kilometers below ground level, did not come from conspiracy theorists, but from a man who worked in counter-information and disinformation. Disinformation activity is described as “deliberately and often covertly spreading false information (possibly by planting rumors) to influence public opinion or hide the truth”, while counter-information is defined as “the organized activity of a service of information intended to block an enemy, through information intended to deceive the enemy, to prevent sabotage, and to gather political and military information.” (cdse.edu)

In other words, we are talking about spies and secret agents spreading lies that could be truths and truths that could be lies. As for the Dulce case, the story suggests that here, at some point in 1979, an initially amicable arrangement between the US government and the aliens degenerated into a violent and deadly altercation between the “greys” and the US military, and numerous scientists and engineers were forced to flee for their lives. The story is very similar to the one told to Bob Lazar in the latter part of 1988, in Area 51, so there is a high probability that it was a fabricated deception.

Drones or aliens

In the 1970s, Paul Bennewitz, who died in 2003, had, in Albuquerque, New Mexico…