20 de septiembre de 2024


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‘Egg Shaped’ UFO Hidden At Area 51, Ex-Defense Contractor Claims

‘Egg Shaped’ UFO Hidden At Area 51, Ex-Defense Contractor Claims

A former defense aerospace contractor claimed Monday that an egg-shaped UFO was kept at Area 51  during the 1980s. Eric Taber spent 13 years as a contractor and told the Daily Mail his great uncle, Sam Urquhart, allegedly revealed the existence of an egg-shaped UFO held at Nevada’s Area 51 military base throughout the 1980s.

A former defense aerospace contractor claimed Monday that an egg-shaped UFO was kept at Area 51  during the 1980s.

Eric Taber spent 13 years as a contractor and told the Daily Mail his great uncle, Sam Urquhart, allegedly revealed the existence of an egg-shaped UFO held at Nevada’s Area 51 military base throughout the 1980s. Engineers at the airbase apparently claimed the CIA found the craft in the middle of the desert, and brought it to the base for testing and analysis, according to the Daily Mail.

The story was eventually told to Taber after years of nudging his great uncle to reveal what he saw during his time as head of security for his engineering group. “I kept asking him about UFOs. He said ‘I know nothing.’ Then one day we were on his back porch and he said ‘Ok, I’ll tell you about one craft that I knew of,’” Taber told the outlet.

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— Tom Winslow (@SurfaceHunter) November 21, 2023

“He said, ‘When I first got there in 1997, I had a personal conversation with a senior EG&G engineer whose group was tasked with trying to reverse-engineer an object that was brought there by some CIA people in the 1980s.’ It was supposedly just found in a remote desert location fully intact,” he continued.

The craft was said to be a smooth, metallic egg-shaped object with a seamless exterior without marks, propulsion system or flaps. Nothing. He said it was about the size of an SUV, and no one could figure out what it was, where it came from or how it worked.

Taber also gave his story to the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, the official reporting channel for UFO stuff. (RELATED: Republicans Are The Ones Trying To ‘Kill’ UFO Transparency, Schumer Claims)

So, do we believe Taber? Without any evidence, it’s hard to lean into the story. But hopefully, some physical proof will materialize to support his claims. Maybe.