A bizarre 'jellyfish UFO' was supposedly filmed soaring straight over a US military base. In the black and white clip,...
Año: 2024
Mysterious bright lights spotted in the skies above Bolton have left people thinking whether they could have been unidentified flying...
A.M. Jueves, 27 de julio 2023, 10:52 «Los avistamientos de ovnis no son raros, ni aislados. Son la rutina»; El...
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This viral video, supposedly recorded by the US military in 2018, shows a jellyfish-looking UFO flying through the sky in...
UFO sightings and alien invasions were reported to Cheshire Police last year. A Freedom of Information response has revealed that...
Recientemente, se dieron a conocer sorprendentes imágenes de un ovni en forma de medusa, que no se puede visualizar a...
For years people have been speculating whether or not unidentified flying objects are real, and as public interest in aliens...
UP NEXTPeriodistas de Al Rojo Vivo muestran sorprendentes fotos de avistamientos de Ovnis01:04Iglesia católica excomulga a cuatro famosas conductoras y...