AN eerie footage shows UFO flying into an active volcano that allegedly serves as an interdimensional portal to Earth.A bright...
Día: 24 de abril de 2024
Ahead of its digital release this May, Cranked Up Films has shared a trailer and poster for director Zach Green’s...
Steven Spielberg is once again set to look to the skies for inspiration with the news that the legendary Close...
The sci-fi genre is one that Steven Spielberg is very comfortable with and has often turned to easily after a...
Here’s a fun trailer for a little sci-fi UFO indie comedy titled Foil. In the film, an unusual piece of...
Coast to Coast AM with George NooryApr 22, 2024Photo: Getty ImagesA normally routine morning walk with his dog took a...
El cantante Phil Mogg tiene bastante claro que UFO han llegado a su fin y que no habrá reunión. El...
LOS DESVELADOS - 2024 - CANDIDATA PRESIDENCIAL SALUDA A EXTRATERRESTRES - Existe una leyenda que apunta a que Tampico está...