VIRGINIA — The government recently again dismissed the notion that U.S. authorities covered up extraterrestrial life aboard unidentified flying objects, a perhaps disappointing conclusion for Virginia residents seeking explanations for lights and other things they’ve seen in the sky.

In its 63-page report, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office offered numerous other explanations for the strange sightings in the sky. “Investigative efforts determined that most sightings were the result of misidentification of ordinary objects and phenomena,” according to the report of “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP.

More than 40 percent of Americans think UFOs are alien spacecraft from other planets or galaxies. The report from AARO, as the bureau investigating unidentified aerial phenomena is known, acknowledged that many people “sincerely hold versions of these beliefs” as truth.

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The report noted a consistent theme in popular culture is that the U.S. government, or a secretive organization within it, “recovered several off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains, that it operates a program or programs to reverse engineer the recovered technology, and that it has conspired since the 1940s to keep this effort hidden from the United States Congress and the American public.”

So, what is the explanation for sightings Virginia residents have reported to the crowdsourced National UFO Reporting Center about strange sightings in the skies? Here’s a glimpse into what they’ve seen:

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  • Feb. 14 in Chesterfield: My wife and I observed for over 90 minutes what first looked like a plane or a large star that pulsated different colors like green, blue, red, and white. It would randomly make fast movements down and back up, too quick to be a conventional aircraft. The movements were erratic and quick. It would grow in size over minutes and then grow smaller as if it was moving closer and then further away slowly over the 90 minutes. … I am 36 years old, former police officer, and established member of the community. I have never seen anything that could be construed to be a UFO until last night when my wife and I watched this insane display.
  • Feb. 6 in Reedville: My wife and I were walking down Main St in Reedville, VA when I noticed three solid red lights forming a triangle in the sky to the east of us. I cannot say how far away or how big it was, but it appeared it was massive. It covered an area larger than a really full moon would in the sky. We did not hear any noise associated with it. It was moving quickly at first but slowed down to almost a stop at one point then sped back up. After around a minute of following it with my eyes two jets came towards it at a high rate of speed. I knew they were jets because I could hear them very clearly and we get a lot of A-10 jets flying overhead here. As they approached the triangle continued to move and was obscured by some really tall pines so I ran further down the street past the trees, but when I got to the other side of the trees the triangle was nowhere to be seen, but the jets continued on their respective paths.
  • Dec. 11, 2023 in Alexandria: Ball of bright light no noise softball flew over house. It had a tail. Too low to be comet it was 25ft above the ground. I saw one fast light fly over my house a half an hour later got video of a light in my woods scanning the forest.
  • Nov. 16, 2023 in Boyce: Object was above arboretum. Moving rapidly sideways and up and down then hovering. Object was white and circular. It made no noise and left no contrail. It moved rapidly side to side and up and down. It appeared to be rotating and there were faint blue and red lights on the outer part of the saucer. No aircraft could have maneuvered like that. Clear sky, light haze, 70 degs. Suddenly/abruptly it disappeared as I was watching it, just poof, it was gone. I am a retired Senior Intelligence Officer and am a trained observer. It was definitely not an aircraft.

Although many UFO reports remain unsolved, “most of these cases could be identified and resolved as ordinary objects or phenomena” if additional, reliable data were available, the AARO report said.

For example, the unidentified object may be a satellite or other data-gathering craft developed in secret by the government or private industry, the report noted.

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