MARYLAND — The government recently again dismissed the notion that U.S. authorities covered up extraterrestrial life aboard unidentified flying objects, a perhaps disappointing conclusion for Maryland residents seeking explanations for lights and other things they’ve seen in the sky.

In its 63-page report, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office offered numerous other explanations for the strange sightings in the sky. “Investigative efforts determined that most sightings were the result of misidentification of ordinary objects and phenomena,” according to the report of “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP.

More than 40 percent of Americans think UFOs are alien spacecraft from other planets or galaxies. The report from AARO, as the bureau investigating unidentified aerial phenomena is known, acknowledged that many people “sincerely hold versions of these beliefs” as truth.

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The report noted a consistent theme in popular culture is that the U.S. government, or a secretive organization within it, “recovered several off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains, that it operates a program or programs to reverse engineer the recovered technology, and that it has conspired since the 1940s to keep this effort hidden from the United States Congress and the American public.”

So, what is the explanation for sightings Maryland residents have reported to the crowdsourced National UFO Reporting Center about strange sightings in the skies? Here’s a glimpse into what they’ve seen:

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  • Feb. 10 in Wolfsville: I was driving on route 17 south of Wolfsville, MD. While on the road my wife and I had notice 3 triangle/cone like objects hovering over a field in a sort of clockwise movement. It was so fast I pulled over to record with my phone and the 3 objects in zipped up in a single second and were no longer in my view.
  • Jan. 11 in Owings Mills: Green orb sitting in sky and then drops suddenly and disappears. I have seen shooting stars which usually appear yellow and streak across the sky and this didn’t look like that. This was a big green looking ball. At first it was stationary, just appeared to be sitting in the sky like a star or a planet. As soon as I pointed it out to my husband, it dipped downwards and then disappeared. Did not appear to be a plane or anything else I have ever seen before.
  • Dec. 22, 2023 in Ridge: Lights on object, Left a trail, Emitted beams, Possible abduction, Animals reacted. Multiple crafts moving in all directions observed taking off at very high speed. Square craft with 4 lights, 1 light in each corner. These craft moved quickly and stopped abruptly. They are all over the night sky here in ridge md. I’ve seen them every single night for the past 4 days. About 6 seem to hover for hours above my house for at least 3 hours. It’s dark but with my spotlight I could make out the shapes of them. AGAIN ITS EVERY NIGHT !
  • Oct. 7, 2023 in Waldorf: Lights on object, Emitted beamsBright light then it had small «stems» coming from it like a 4 legged spider. We were driving down Pinefield Rd going towards Christ Church Rd. We saw what we thought was a bright star or planet. We have seen it before. Tonight it appeared to be moving. The closer we got to the end of the road, it appeared to have «stem» like things coming from the center.
  • Oct. 2, 2023 in Silver Spring: Streaks of light/clouds coming down; sometimes stopping in mid air: typically making a beeline for a cloud; one turned and went back up. This was around 1p.m. At first I thought it was airplanes or satellites but the streaks would come straight down or come in diagonally, and go straight into a cloud. Around 6:15 the same evening, two streaks came down, one behind the other, stopped in midair, and joined together. There was no trail; they now looked like stars. Just hovering. (The one streak came down and joined with the other that had stopped mid-air). Another streak hovered, then very slowly turned around and went back up into the sky into a cloud directly above it. These seem to have consciousness. There was a round metallic sphere that went into a cloud nearby (and did not come back out while I watched) in the same vicinity around the time all these streaks were coming into the atmosphere.

Although many UFO reports remain unsolved, “most of these cases could be identified and resolved as ordinary objects or phenomena” if additional, reliable data were available, the AARO report said.

For example, the unidentified object may be a satellite or other data-gathering craft developed in secret by the government or private industry, the report noted.

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