20 de septiembre de 2024


Informaciones Exclusivas sobre extraterrestres y ovnis en todo el mundo.

Investigative Author Marches Beyond Dexter’s 1966 Events Deeper into the UFO Enigma

Investigative Author Marches Beyond Dexter’s 1966 Events Deeper into the UFO Enigma

March is UFO month for Dexter, referring back to March 20, 1966 when colored lights hovered over a wooded swamp in Dexter Township, first witnessed by one man and his son and then by scores more. Renowned investigative author Raymond Szymanski has investigated the incident thoroughly and his book, “Swamp Gas My Ass,” covers the

March is UFO month for Dexter, referring back to March 20, 1966 when colored lights hovered over a wooded swamp in Dexter Township, first witnessed by one man and his son and then by scores more.

Renowned investigative author Raymond Szymanski has investigated the incident thoroughly and his book, “Swamp Gas My Ass,” covers the events through the eyes of one of the Air Force pilots, Colonel Gary K. Carroll, sent up to pursue the unidentified flying objects. Szymanski has been called on for countless interviews, commentary, and presentations on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial pursuit.

This season, Szymanski shifts away from the Southeast Michigan events of 1966 and extends an invitation for those curious about such phenomenon to take a startling dive deeper into the subject. The veteran investigator will be the keynote speaker at an upcoming seminar on evidence of extraterrestrial contact and provides the following information.

Hangar 18 UFO Conference: Evidence of ET Contact

A conference on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) will be held at the historic Hope Hotel, located on the legendary Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for the very first time on 20-22 September 2024. Nine world-renowned UFO researchers, with over 300 collective years of experience, are scheduled to share their evidence of the UFO phenomenon in contemporary, illustrated presentations.

The Hangar 18 UFO Conference will expand the national conversation on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) that began when the United States government published a 9-page, unclassified document entitled, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), on 25 June 2021. Therein, UAPs (formerly UFOs) were officially deemed to be real, a threat to ‘safety of flight’, and a potential national security threat.

Throughout the 3-day event, beginning on 20 September 2024, nine world-class experts will share their evidence of mass UFO sightings, UFO crashes and cover-ups, alien abductions, alien implants, the current UFO ‘wave,’ who these visitors might be, implications for humanity, and other sensitive UFO-related topics not generally covered in any mainstream media or government releases.

Keynote speaker, Raymond Szymanski, a four-decade engineering employee at Wright-Patterson and author of three non-fiction UFO books, will share his unique personal trip through the UFO (UAP) phenomenon with his presentation, “Flying Saucers and Wright-Patterson: A Long Strange Journey.”

This is the first UFO conference to be held in the Dayton, Ohio area in nearly half a century, the last being the MUFON conference in 1978. It is also the first ever UFO conference held on the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base property.

The following eight individuals have agreed to make presentations. (One additional speaker to be named soon.) Brief Q&A sessions will follow each presentation on Saturday and Sunday. Fans may purchase books and videos at the tables provided to each speaker.

Friday, 20 September 2024 – Keynote Speaker:

Raymond Szymanski: A retired, forty-year senior engineering employee of Wright-Patterson AFB who wrote three non-fiction UFO books: Fifty Shades of Greys; Victoria’s Secret Truth; and Swamp Gas My Ass. Raymond will serve as master of ceremonies as well as provide the keynote address, “Flying Saucers and Wright-Patterson: A Long Strange Journey.”

Saturday and Sunday, 21-22 September 2024 – Speakers

Each speaker to appear on either Saturday or Sunday. Actual schedule soon.

Stan Gordon: Internationally known as the ultimate authority on the famous Kecksburg UFO crash and coverup, Stan has successfully investigated and reported on UFOs and other mysterious encounters for over six decades.

Yvonne Smith: One of the world’s foremost hypnotherapists providing mental health support to persons claiming contact with alien entities, Yvonne founded the experiencer support group, Close Encounters Research Organization.

Derrell Sims: The world’s leading authority and researcher on alien implants found in humans reporting alien contact, Derrel’s bio/CV is so extensive that it defies a one sentence summary here, so you’ll just have to read it for yourself.

Dr. Lynne Kitei: A medical doctor who discovered the history changing 1997 Phoenix Lights, the largest mass UFO sighting in human history, Dr. K is the ultimate authority on everything related to this extraordinary event. (Presentation likely via Zoom.)

Peter Robbins – A celebrated UFO researcher and conference speaker for the last forty years, Peter is best known for his groundbreaking and controversial book on the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident, Left at East Gate.

Paul Davids – A celebrated UFO researcher, UFO Hall of Famer, author, artist, and movie maker, Paul is best known for his Showtime and Golden Globe nominated movie Roswell, and his many published books on mysterious matter.

Dr. Bruce Solheim – An accomplished college professor, paranormal researcher, and author, Dr. Solheim has documented his lifelong paranormal experiences in a trilogy: Timeless; Timeless Déjà vu; and Timeless Trinity.

Final Speaker – TBD – Yep, probably someone famous too.

Experiencer Session: Yvonne Smith will be hosting an “Experiencer Session” on both Saturday and Sunday for those who wish to share their memories and experiences of alien contact in a private and safe setting. Video, audio taping and media will not be allowed during these sessions.

Tickets Sales (Begin on 14 March 2024)



Questions and Request for Interviews may be sent to: Hangar18UFOConference@yahoo.com