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Debunking MH370’s biggest conspiracy theories

Debunking MH370’s biggest conspiracy theories

At 1.19am on March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 cut contact with the world.Six simple words spoken by MH370 captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah gave no indication anything was wrong onboard a plane carrying 239 people."Good night, Malaysian three seven zero", Shah calmly told air traffic controllers in Kuala Lumpur, as the Boeing 777 he

At 1.19am on March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 cut contact with the world.

Six simple words spoken by MH370 captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah gave no indication anything was wrong onboard a plane carrying 239 people.

«Good night, Malaysian three seven zero», Shah calmly told air traffic controllers in Kuala Lumpur, as the Boeing 777 he helmed crossed into Vietnamese airspace.

The plane, with 227 passengers and 12 crew, had been in the air 48 minutes since taking off from Kuala Lumpur. It’s destination, Beijing, was just a 6.5-hour flight away.

Two minutes after Zaharie’s final message, at 1.21am, Flight 370 went dark.

The jet vanished off air traffic control radar, indicating the aircraft’s transponder – a radar tracking device – had been deliberately turned off.

While air traffic control lost track of the plane, Malaysian military radar was able to keep tracking the aircraft.

And almost immediately, that radar showed MH370 making a sharp turn to the left.

That unscheduled turn, at an altitude of 11,000 metres, marked the beginning of one of aviation’s greatest mysteries.

As days turned into months and years, Malaysian 370 has remained an unsolved riddle.

And in the greyness – with no major wreckage field found, no black box and no definitive answers – spurious conspiracy theories claiming to unravel the mystery bloomed.

The science and data conclusively shows MH370 was deliberately flown to the most remote and inhospitable spot on the planet, off Australia’s west coast, where it went into a dive and crashed into the Indian Ocean.

Precisely where the plane went down is the issue.

Tomorrow, to mark the missing plane’s 10th anniversary, 9News.com.au will publish several stories, including pinpointing a zone 2000km west of Perth where an expert Australian oceanographer believes 370 can be found, 4km under the ocean’s surface.

We will also highlight a second zone, close to the oceanographer’s locality of interest, where an aviation expert believes the wreckage field of 370 lies.

But, despite the evidence, some have stubbornly refused to die.

Murder-suicide plot

The weight of evidence points to Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah taking control of 370 and crashing it into the southern Indian Ocean, somewhere between south-western Australia and Antarctica.

In the days after the plane vanished, Malaysian police raided Zaharie’s home and found an elaborate flight simulator set-up in one of his rooms.

Data from Zaharie’s computers showed he had mapped a course deep into the southern Indian Ocean, very similar to the presumed actual route of MH370. Many experts concluded it was a suicide route, a virtual smoking gun.

MH370 Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah on his home flight simulator.
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah may have plotted a suicide route for MH370 on his home flight simulator. (Supplied)

Aviation expert and retired pilot Mike Exner told 9news.com.au whoever was piloting MH370 would have intentionally depressurised the cabin, killing everyone else onboard, and then taken full and unfettered control of the plane.

That person was most likely Zaharie, Exner said, but added in the absence of conclusive evidence there remained an outside possibility it was co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid.

«Whether or not (the pilot has) remained alive all the way to the end … or set up the autopilot and took his own life at that point, no one knows,» he said.

The co-pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet MH370, Fariq Abdul Hamid.
The co-pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet MH370, Fariq Abdul Hamid. (Supplied)

Data showed MH370 went into «a very rapid» dive at the end, Exner said, which could either have been a «ghost flight» that ran out of fuel and dived or «the pilot deliberately putting the plane into a very steep descent to crash it at very high speed».

The ghost flight scenario would have involved a pilot setting a course via autopilot, suiciding in the cockpit some time later and letting the plane run out of fuel.

Then-Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said very senior people at the highest levels of Malaysian government were convinced it was mass murder-suicide by Zaharie, in the aftermath of the incident.

A controlled ditching

The controlled ditching theory is a variation on the mass murder-suicide plot, with MH370 running out of fuel and hitting the ocean in broadly the same location.

But instead of the plane diving and crashing at high speed, this scenario involves the pilot gliding the Boeing 777 and soft landing into the ocean, where it later sunk.

Exner resolutely dismisses this theory.

He said analysis of the wing flap debris which washed up in July 2015 showed that the aircraft’s flaps were retracted at the time of impact.

This proved, he said, the plane was not trying to slow down and «land».

Blaine Gibson with the housing for a TV monitor from the back of a seat inside the missing plane.
Blaine Gibson said this piece of housing for a TV monitor inside MH370 showed the plane ‘shattered’ on impact. (Photo courtesy of Blaine Gibson)

Other data, which became known as the Inmarsat data, showed MH370 had dropped from altitude at high speed, Exner said.

Debris hunter Blaine Gibson told 9News.com.au «all this talk about a controlled, intact ditching is fantasy» and was «simply disproven by the debris evidence».

Gibson has found more pieces of the missing plane that anyone else, which in a story tomorrow we will explain the secret to Gibson’s success.

«All of the wreckage that I have held says to me one thing, the word ‘shattered’, like The Rolling Stone song.»

Hijacked and flown to Kazakhstan

US aviation journalist Jeff Wise wrote a controversial book claiming MH370 was hijacked on orders of Vladimir Putin and flown to an airport in Kazakhstan.

Despite the Inmarsat data and debris which started washing up two years after the plane vanished, Wise contends 370 flew north from the Andaman Sea, not south towards the Antarctic.

Wise postulated hijackers tampered with satellite transmission data in the electronics and equipment bay, which he claims can be accessed via a hatch in the front of the first class cabin.

MH370 latest news and search stories
MH370 latest news and search stories (9News)

They did this, Wise said, «to provide a false trail of bread crumbs leading away from the plane’s true route».

«It’s ridiculous,» Exner said of Wise’s thesis, «that’s the most ridiculous of all (the theories), I think.»

Wise admits he has never come up with a reasonable motive for his Kazakhstan hijack theory.

«It’s all complete nonsense,» Exner said, «easily proven to be impossible from the physics and data that we have.»

But Wise countered to 9news.com.au that question marks hung over Exner’s own theory about where the Boeing 777 had crashed, near the Seventh Arc.

«Nine years ago, Mike Exner claimed to have identified the area in the southern Indian Ocean where MH370 flew,» Wise said.

Exner had said, according to Wise, that if that area was searched the wreckage of 370 would be found.

«He was wrong,» Wise said.

«Today, rather than trying productively to solve the mystery, Exner insults those who are, in my case falsely claiming that my proposed scenario is ‘easily proven to be impossible’. If it is so easy, I invite him to try.»

Shot down near the island of Diego Garcia

A French former airline director speculated the US military shot MH370 down over fears it had been hijacked and was headed for a 9/11-style terror attack.

Marc Dugain, who headed Proteus Airlines, hung his theory on the plane’s unplanned route, turning hard left after Zaharie had bid air traffic control good night.

Dugain pointed to Maldives residents who had reported seeing an airliner flying at low altitude towards the island of Diego Garcia, which the US uses as a military base.

An aerial view of the island of Diego Garcia.
One false MH370 theory suggested MH370 was shot down near the island of Diego Garcia. (Alamy)

But Exner said «there’s no way that could have happened. The plane did not have enough fuel onboard to even get near Diego Garcia or the Maldives.»

The Diego Garcia theory would also mean ignoring the Inmarsat data and debris field.

Shot down in the South China Sea

«That one is probably right up there with Kazakhstan,» Exner said, rubbishing a theory MH370 was shot down in the South China Sea.

«We have radar data showing that the plane went all the way into the Andaman Sea and then we have Inmarsat data showing that it ended up somewhere in the South Indian Ocean, so it’s absolutely impossible that it could have crashed in the South China Sea.»

The washing up of the flaperon and other debris on the east coast of Africa and other small islands in the Indian Ocean provide impossible to ignore evidence MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, not the South China Sea, Maldives or Kazakhstan.

Aliens and black holes

File under preposterous, but theories involving UFOs intercepting MH370 and plane-swallowing black holes continue to be avidly dissected in online forums.

The most prominent faked UFO video that did the rounds on social media was doctored to show supposed alien space craft circling 370, before it was zapped out of the sky.

The UFO video has previously featured on Alex Jones’ Infowars. Jones has been pilloried for repeatedly and falsely claiming the Sandy Hook school massacre was a hoax.

Fake UFO-MH370 video
A faked UFO-MH370 video was used to promote conspiracy theories after the plane vanished. (Supplied)

Billionaire Kim Dotcom offered a reward to anyone who could debunk the UFO video, a feat performed by Belgian concept artist and illustrator Jonas Deros.

Deros told 9News.com.au he turned down the reward, saying «it didn’t feel right accepting money related to this tragic case, especially because of some UFO hoax video».

This article was updated after publishing to add additional comment from Jeff Wise.

Maps, graphics, video and audio: Tara Blancato