19 de enero de 2025


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The Mystery Of UFO Objects In The Sky Of Ukraine, This Is The Testimony Of Soldiers

The Mystery Of UFO Objects In The Sky Of Ukraine, This Is The Testimony Of Soldiers

Sightings of objects claimed to be UFOs by Ukrainian soldiers. (photo: dock. special) JAKARTA - A mysterious incident occurred in the Donetsk region which was hit by conflict in Ukraine when a soldier shared his experience of seeing a large and unknown UFO object. The soldier, who is a drone operator, described the incident that
The Mystery Of UFO Objects In The Sky Of Ukraine, This Is The Testimony Of Soldiers

Sightings of objects claimed to be UFOs by Ukrainian soldiers. (photo: dock. special)

JAKARTA – A mysterious incident occurred in the Donetsk region which was hit by conflict in Ukraine when a soldier shared his experience of seeing a large and unknown UFO object. The soldier, who is a drone operator, described the incident that occurred on Friday, March 1 to DailyMail.com.

In an exclusive interview, a soldier who is part of the 466th Battalion of the Ukrainian Army, stated, «Initially, I thought it was something new created by Russia, but then I understood… ‘No! It might be [a] UFO.'»

According to information from the drone operator, the UFO is disk-shaped and has a length of about 1,300 feet, longer than the Empire State Building height. The UFO emerged from the Donetsk region horizon, floating about one mile from the ground surface. Surprisingly, despite being hit by strong winds, the object remains in a stationary position.

Furthermore, the soldier explained that this UFO looks hotter than any other object he has ever tracked in the war zone. «Craft is 36 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than any other object I have ever traced,» said the soldier.

Questions also arise among the soldiers who witnessed the UFO. «Why isn’t he moving?» asked one of the battalion members. Another question is worrying, «Why didn’t he fire a missile at us? What does that mean?»

However, the existence of this UFO did not last long. «When we returned to the same position then, nothing else was seen,» said the soldier.


This mystery adds to confusion amid the ongoing war conditions in Ukraine. Vadym, the soldier, insists that the incident is truly real, not just an optical illusion. «This is not an irreversal,» Vadym said, «Because in the thermal vision, you can’t see the migration. You can only see it with the naked eye.»

Nevertheless, Vadym declined to elaborate further on the incident, stating, «The best thing I can say is that this video never happens, so we never have to do the job we are doing now.»

Vadym’s comments highlight the uncertainty and concerns that still surround the mysteries of UFO objects emerging in Donetsk’s sky, Ukraine.

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