22 de febrero de 2025


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Ukrainian Soldiers Film Bizarre UFO: VIDEO

Ukrainian Soldiers Film Bizarre UFO: VIDEO

PublishedFebruary 29, 2024 11:48 AM EST|UpdatedFebruary 29, 2024 11:48 AM ESTA group of Ukrainian soldiers reportedly captured a very bizarre object on film.Soldiers in Ukraine's 406th battalion recorded an object on thermal imaging from a quadcopter drone that appeared to be shaped like disc and was roughly 30 miles away, according to the Daily Mail. A


A group of Ukrainian soldiers reportedly captured a very bizarre object on film.

Soldiers in Ukraine’s 406th battalion recorded an object on thermal imaging from a quadcopter drone that appeared to be shaped like disc and was roughly 30 miles away, according to the Daily Mail

A man can be heard in the video saying in his native tongue, «What the f-[expletive] is this? Why isn’t it moving?»

At another point, one of the soldiers suggests attempting to ram the UFO with the drone.

The exact altitude and location of the unknown object don’t appear to be known, according to the same report, but it’s certainly a very bizarre video. It’s also the latest unexplainable situation and video that’s hit the web.

You can watch the strange video below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

Soldiers film bizarre object over the skies of Ukraine.

As I’ve pointed out many times here at OutKick, UFO footage is hardly something that’s new. In fact, we cover it regularly. Few sites do it more often and I’d argue none do it better.

Below are some of just a few of the quick hitters:

Now, there’s video from the battlefield in Ukraine as the Russians and Ukrainians continue to fight like hell in a war that has been going on for two years.

There will be a lot of people who want to jump on this video, and talk about aliens, the paranormal and the unexplainable.

Let’s pause for just a second. This video comes straight out of a war zone. There’s highly advanced technology in play by both sides in Ukraine.

The Russians have highly-advanced tech and drones, and Ukraine also has tech that’s been provided by the USA and our allies. Before we all assume it’s little green men, there’s a very real chance it’s rival military gear. Hell, it could be one of our drones for all we know. Would it surprise anyone if America or our NATO allies had drones flying over the region? Of course not.

Ukrainian soldiers film bizarre UFO. (Credit: Getty Images)

Ukrainian soldiers film bizarre UFO. (Credit: Getty Images)

Now, can we rule out a non-military explanation? Of course not, but I’m just not sold right now that there’s a sinister explanation. Think I’m wrong? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.