10 de febrero de 2025


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UK airport becomes UFO hotspot after multiple near misses with jets

UK airport becomes UFO hotspot after multiple near misses with jets

A major UK airport has become a hotspot for UFO sightings after several close encounters with passenger planes. One mysterious black object came within 20 metres of a Ryanair plane travelling at 230mph shortly after it took off from Stansted Airport. This was one of 27 reported UFO sightings in Essex over the past six

A major UK airport has become a hotspot for UFO sightings after several close encounters with passenger planes. One mysterious black object came within 20 metres of a Ryanair plane travelling at 230mph shortly after it took off from Stansted Airport.

This was one of 27 reported UFO sightings in Essex over the past six years. The object didn’t show up on drone-monitoring equipment, which warns air traffic controllers about potential collision risks.

In another incident that same year at the airport near Bishop’s Stortford, multiple pilots reported their collision avoidance systems were detecting an object 500ft beneath their aircraft as they were landing.

An Essex Police report, obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act, revealed: «Three aircraft reported an object was in their vicinity. Informant from tower reporting that two planes have reported an object at about 500ft below them as they are coming into land on Runway 22, the closest being 20km away.»

«Approach (two-three miles out) when their TCAS (traffic collision avoidance system) alerted them to something at around 500ft. None of the pilots could see anything when they looked.»

These incidents are among 27 reports about UFOs the Essex Police received since 2018 – including seeing a «green fluorescent light like a comet coming from the sky» and a «big faded ball of light going in and out of the clouds».

Nick Pope, former leader of the Ministry Of Defence’s UFO exploration team, confessed these incidents were «fascinating». He wants the UK Government to treat such sightings as seriously as the US, where more than 800 close encounters with military personnel are investigated. Nick stated, «These fascinating revelations illustrate that whatever one thinks about UFOs there’s a credible and serious flight safety issue involved.»

«When an object passes within 20 metres of an aircraft this is a very close call by anyone’s definition. This, and the other incidents revealed in this FOI response, shows that it was a mistake for the MoD to terminate their UFO investigation programme at the end of 2009 and suggests it’s time to reverse this policy.»

«Even if people are skeptical and think this is all just drone activity it should be borne in mind that while drones can be flown as a hobby, or by surveyors, they can also be used in espionage and terrorism. Either way and particularly in crowded flight paths we need to identify all objects in our airspace.»

«The subject of UFOs is taken very seriously in the United States with hearings in Congress, provisions in the annual Defence Bill, and a dedicated Pentagon unit set up to research and investigate the phenomenon. The UK needs to treat this issue with the same seriousness and take action to mitigate the potential threat posed by these objects whatever they are.»

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