17 de diciembre de 2024


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“No Comment” Public Debates Pentagon’s Response To ‘Jellyfish’ UFO Video

“No Comment” Public Debates Pentagon’s Response To ‘Jellyfish’ UFO Video

A video showing an unidentified phenomenon, often likened to a “jellyfish,” has ignited widespread curiosity among skywatchers, pilots, and experts. The footage, released by investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell, claims to have been captured by military pilots over a military base. The video’s emergence prompted a response from the Pentagon, which, however, offered only a cryptic

A video showing an unidentified phenomenon, often likened to a “jellyfish,” has ignited widespread curiosity among skywatchers, pilots, and experts. The footage, released by investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell, claims to have been captured by military pilots over a military base. The video’s emergence prompted a response from the Pentagon, which, however, offered only a cryptic “no comment” and declined to verify the authenticity of the footage, leaving many questions unanswered. Here’s the full story.

The Details of the Video

In a recent interview on “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” on NewsNation, Jeremy Corbell delved into the details surrounding the video and its implications. The journalist, known for his investigative work in the realm of UFOs, shed light on the Pentagon’s non-committal stance and hinted at the significance of the video’s content.

Corbell, in response to a question about the Pentagon’s conflicting statements, suggested that the lack of denial implies a potential confirmation in the future. He argued that his and George Knapp’s reporting, developed over three and a half years with input from various sources, has laid the groundwork for credible disclosures.

The Challenges Faced

Corbell shared the challenges faced by those seeking information on UFOs, citing the reluctance of the Department of Defense to engage in the topic openly. He said that the trend is changing, with various entities, including NewsNation, gradually catching up with the UFO discourse. According to Corbell, the Pentagon’s hesitancy to deny the video’s authenticity stems from the necessity to eventually confirm its veracity, given the credible sources behind its release.

During the interview, Corbell addressed additional details surrounding the video, including its alleged confiscation by an intelligence agency. He claimed that the footage was taken over a military base during a combat operation, marking it as a significant event.

Involvement of First-Hand Witnesses

Corbell hinted at the involvement of first-hand witnesses, claiming that the incident was not isolated and involved multiple individuals who came forward with leaks.

One intriguing revelation was Corbell’s claim that the video, initially confiscated, was leaked and shared within military circles before reaching the public domain. He mentioned the dramatic events surrounding the video’s confiscation and subsequent release, indicating that it became a local story among military personnel.

The Legitimacy of the Video

In response to questions about the video’s content, Corbell confirmed its legitimacy and disclosed that the original footage is around 30 minutes long. He mentioned the existence of more videos related to the incident, suggesting that the public has only seen a fraction of the evidence.

To further substantiate his claims, Corbell provided additional video footage during the interview. The new footage showed the same object captured in the original video, showing its movements over water.

The Object’s Capabilities

Corbell explained that this portion of the video demonstrates the object’s capabilities, as it maneuvers over the water, halts abruptly, descends into the water for 17 minutes, and then emerges at a rapid speed.

Corbell said that he would be directing the Department of Defense and George Knapp to the specific agencies holding the remaining footage.

So, what are your thoughts on the Pentagon’s “no comment” response to the UFO video? And do you believe there should be more transparency regarding such incidents?

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Dara Brandt

Dara Brant is the Managing Editor at Green Building Elements. Prior to joining us she covered alternative energy news and local developments at Your Energy Blog. Dara has a passion for sustainable living and wants to do more than her fair share to help build a better tomorrow for future generations.