20 de septiembre de 2024


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Footage of UFO Over Air Force One Goes Viral Ahead of Santa’s Flight Time

Footage of UFO Over Air Force One Goes Viral Ahead of Santa’s Flight Time

Caleb HoweDec 24th, 2023, 5:19 pm Video from the skies above LAX during a visit from President Joe Biden went viral Christmas weekend after the popular YouTube channel L.A Flights captured something extra. Two somethings extra maybe. But Extra-terrestrial? Welll… With Air Force One on the tarmac and the F-35 escorts patrolling and refueling midair

Caleb HoweDec 24th, 2023, 5:19 pm

Video from the skies above LAX during a visit from President Joe Biden went viral Christmas weekend after the popular YouTube channel L.A Flights captured something extra. Two somethings extra maybe. But Extra-terrestrial? Welll…

With Air Force One on the tarmac and the F-35 escorts patrolling and refueling midair, brothers Peter and Joshua Solorzano were filming the action in the sky this month when they got more than they bargained for as they spotted UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) — or UFOs as they were once designated — buzzing by, and posted the footage of the three instances on their channel.

Whether it was multiple phenomena or the same one seen more than once is not clear, nor is there a definitive determination of what it was they spotted flying by or being flown past. But that’s why it’s called “unidentified.” It hasn’t been identified yet, other than to say that it looks like a silvery orb.

There did not appear to be any reindeer so Santa-related explanations seem, at least for the moment, somewhat remote.

Here’s a blow-by-blow from the New York Post.

The footage, captured from a live stream of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) by brothers Peter and Joshua Solorzano, shows a mysterious balloon-like object seemingly hovering over Air Force One during Biden’s Dec. 10 trip.

“A few viewers are saying we saw a UFO,” Peter says in a clip shared to their YouTube channel L.A. Flights.

The pair, filming at LAX as two F-35 fighter jets monitored the skies for the President, excitedly pointed out the jets being refueled mid-air before the shiny white or silver object darted across the sky.

And USA Today points out this entertaining exchange between the brothers.

By the time the object appeared on camera for the third and final time at 11:08 a.m., Joshua was starting to become unnerved.

“I’m kind of scared of looking at this,” he said. “I’m not sure what that is, could it be a balloon? I’m thinking balloon.”

His brother, though, wasn’t buying it.

“Are you just saying that to keep certain authorities away?” Peter asked.

Naturally, skeptics also said the unknown object is most likely a balloon.

Which is just what they’d want you to think, said this guy in line in front of me at the grocery store.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings…