23 de febrero de 2025


Informaciones Exclusivas sobre extraterrestres y ovnis en todo el mundo.

‘Law Enforcement and UFOs—When Law Enforcement Meets the Unknown’

‘Law Enforcement and UFOs—When Law Enforcement Meets the Unknown’

Dave Rich and Marianne Robb (Courtesy/ Sedona MUFON) Former police officers Marianne Robb and Dave Rich present the nuances of investigating UAP as law enforcement professionals on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, Sedona. They cover fascinating historical cases where, in many cases, police chased mysterious aerial objects

Dave Rich and Marianne Robb (Courtesy/ Sedona MUFON)

Dave Rich and Marianne Robb (Courtesy/ Sedona MUFON)

Former police officers Marianne Robb and Dave Rich present the nuances of investigating UAP as law enforcement professionals on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, Sedona. They cover fascinating historical cases where, in many cases, police chased mysterious aerial objects across multiple counties. They include the hurdles that have kept UAP investigations from occurring.

UFOs aren’t the only phenomena police officers run across. They can also include some of the other mysterious paranormal phenomena police have allegedly encountered.

Dave Rich is a 25-year veteran police officer. Dave started in patrol, then worked in the investigations unit as a gang detective, homicide and sex crimes detective, and narcotics detective. Dave currently works in the school resource officer unit. He joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and worked as a field investigator. He is also an instructor for MUFON in Advanced Interview Techniques and Evidence Collection.

Marianne Robb is a retired Police Officer and former Field Investigator with the Arizona chapter of MUFON. In her 34-year career in the police force, she has gained experience as a detective in arson, property crimes, and narcotics, and as a crime prevention consultant. She joined MUFON in 2017 and became a field Investigator a year later. She is now also an instructor at the annual MUFON Field Investigator Book Camp in Arizona. Marianne teaches MUFON field investigators how to apply methods she learned in law enforcement to their UFO investigations.

Marianne hadn’t given UFOs much thought until her husband began going to MUFON meetings and introducing her to UFO researchers. What she learned from them inspired her to commit to helping find the truth behind the mysterious UFO phenomenon. Marianne believes that the government and others researching this phenomenon are all looking for the same thing – the truth. She hopes one day all of these groups will work together in this shared interest.

Visit their website at UAP-PD.com.

«This new series provides a platform for the public to learn more about the UFO phenomena,» said MUFON Sedona Chapter director, Jennifer Stein. “We believe that the more knowledge we have, the better we can understand the UFO phenomena and its implications.” Each monthly program offers a different aspect of “high strangeness”—from ancient archaeology, ancient aliens, the UFO disclosure project, alien contact, UFO crash sights, and US politics and the UFO phenomenon. Programs include lectures, discussions, and presentations from experts in the field of UFO research.

Sedona MUFON hosts the two-hour program, with a Q&A following and a chance to meet the speaker and friends for dinner at a nearby restaurant. This program is open to the public. Events are monthly, Oct.-June on Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona. Doors open at 2:30. Admission is $15 dollars at the door, cash preferred. For more information, contact Jennifer W. Stein at 610-613-0088 or at Onwinges@gmail.com. For monthly programs, please visit SedonaMUFON.org.