23 de febrero de 2025


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Moon — A Big “UFO” | Medium

Moon — A Big “UFO” | Medium

The Moon has a diameter of 3475 km, weighs 7.35 x 1019 tons, and is located at an average distance of 384 500 km from the Earth, around which it revolves.By installing the Moon in orbit, the Moon’s gravitational attraction is responsible for the tides, and which have drawn not only the planetary ocean but

The Moon has a diameter of 3475 km, weighs 7.35 x 1019 tons, and is located at an average distance of 384 500 km from the Earth, around which it revolves.

By installing the Moon in orbit, the Moon’s gravitational attraction is responsible for the tides, and which have drawn not only the planetary ocean but also the Earth’s crust and especially the hot magma below it.

But how did this natural satellite of the Earth appear?

After all, estimates show that since the formation of the Solar System, it will be another 100 million years before the Moon appears.

There are several theories, but none can be tested. Meanwhile, a possible clue to decipher this mystery would be to understand why Venus has no satellites?!

We also know that the moon is empty inside, according to research carried out in the Apollo programs. For example, the return stage of the lunar module of the Apollo 12 mission was allowed to fall on the surface of the Moon (after it had fulfilled the task for which it was built) and the seismographs installed on the surface of the satellite indicated vibrations which lasted for 55 minutes, their maximum amplitude being recorded 7 minutes after the impact.

The Apollo 13 mission which was, as some say (including the American astronauts participating in it) “sabotaged by aliens” was nevertheless “good for something”.

On this occasion, the third stage of the Saturn V carrier rocket was dropped on the surface of the Moon, which caused a shock equivalent to the explosion of 11 tons of TNT. The same seismographs mentioned earlier recorded vibrations for 3 hours and 20 minutes, vibrations that propagated to a depth of 40–60 km. The experiment was repeated by the Apollo 14 mission, with similar results.

Despite the censorship exercised by those in the former Soviet Union, not once were their scientists who would take the risk of making shocking statements. Thus, in an article published in “Sputnik” magazine, the Soviet academics Mihail Vasiu and Alexandr Scerbakov did not shy away from stating that “the Moon… is a spaceship, obtained by transforming an asteroid, the interior of