22 de octubre de 2024


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Rumors of Captive Aliens: Stories of Aliens Imprisonment  | Medium

Rumors of Captive Aliens: Stories of Aliens Imprisonment | Medium

Stories are circulating about aliens being held captive, along with rumors of dead extraterrestrials found near crashed spacecraft.Ufologist William L. Moore claims to have heard such an account from anonymous military and official sources who claimed to have access to highly classified UFO information.According to these sources, in 1949, a live male humanoid was discovered

Stories are circulating about aliens being held captive, along with rumors of dead extraterrestrials found near crashed spacecraft.

Ufologist William L. Moore claims to have heard such an account from anonymous military and official sources who claimed to have access to highly classified UFO information.

According to these sources, in 1949, a live male humanoid was discovered in the desert of the southwestern United States, the survivor of an extraterrestrial spacecraft crash. The authorities took the being, named EBE (short for an extraterrestrial biological entity), to the atomic installation in Los Alamos, New Mexico. An air force captain was assigned to watch over EBE. Initially, communication with the alien was impossible until a speech device was invented and implanted in his throat, allowing him to speak broken but understandable English. EBE revealed that he had worked as a mechanic on the crashed craft. Unfortunately, EBE died in 1952 under unknown circumstances.

Moore’s sources claimed that EBE was later referred to as EBE-1, as two more aliens, EBE-2 and EBE-3, were captured by the U.S. government. These three captives allegedly disclosed that nine alien races were visiting Earth, with the little gray-skinned beings being particularly active. This group had been observing human activities for twenty-five thousand years and had influenced our religious beliefs.

In his 1986 book UFO Crash at Aztec, author William S. Steinman recounts another incident from around 1948 involving a physician named Claude E. Steen, Sr., from Bishop, California. Steinman states that a member of a special military unit approached Dr. Steen and guided him and his nurse to a location where a live alien was being held. The alien was kept in a controlled-environment chamber and appeared to be some sort of reptile. The nurse was deeply disturbed by its appearance, describing it as something “from the pits of hell.”

On July 23, 1952, the Pueblo Chieftain, a Colorado newspaper, published a peculiar story. Joseph Rohrer, the president of Pikes Peak Broadcasting, spoke to the local Chamber of Commerce and claimed to know about three saucer crashes in Montana. A three-foot-tall humanoid that was one of the survivors was mentioned. It was being kept alive in an incubator in California, and efforts were being made to communicate with it. In 2000, ufologist Kenny Young investigated these intriguing claims and discovered that Rohrer was a prankster with a sense of humor. Although the newspaper treated the story seriously, the audience understood that he was speaking humorously.

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