20 de septiembre de 2024


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Tom DeLonge Wonders If Civilizations Went Extinct For Disobeying Aliens

Tom DeLonge Wonders If Civilizations Went Extinct For Disobeying Aliens

Blink-182 star Tom DeLonge has suggested that ancient civilizations could have been wiped out for angering alien life forms through disobedience.Over the years, the musician, 47, has become a prominent voice in ufology, having launched the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science back in 2017. It includes an entertainment arm that produces books

Blink-182 star Tom DeLonge has suggested that ancient civilizations could have been wiped out for angering alien life forms through disobedience.

Over the years, the musician, 47, has become a prominent voice in ufology, having launched the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science back in 2017. It includes an entertainment arm that produces books and films, and a research branch that has aerospace and science divisions.

DeLonge told Newsweek that while he’s passionate about studying unidentified flying objects (UFOs)—or advanced aerial threats—he believes that the life forms operating them likely have sinister intentions when it comes to the wellbeing of humans.

Addressing why aliens aren’t a visual part of everyday life at this point, the star said: «All I can do is ask questions on things that I do feel I feel strongly about and some conversations that I’ve had that really make me feel things and think a certain way.»

Tom DeLonge is pictured on April 14, 2023 in Indio, California. The «Monsters of California» director has spoken to Newsweek about UFOs, alien life forms, and time travel.
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for Coachella

«But I think the one hand is not knowing how to defend against it, because we don’t totally understand it,» he added. «There’s also the side that the other side could be [reluctant to] want us to know they’re here because what they’re doing is not good.

«And if we were to just come out and say, ‘Hey, it’s all here,’ we don’t know what kind of response it’s going to provoke. Are they going to do something that’s, that’s horrible? I had one person tell me, they wonder are extinct civilizations evidence of those who didn’t obey? Like, you don’t know.»

Government Theory

This, DeLonge explained, ties into his belief that the U.S. government has exercised caution in revealing information about UFOs over the decades as a means to protect the public.

«I think in the beginning, it was probably a lot of fear,» he said of the government’s purported silence. «You’re dealing with World War II barely [being] over… We started having crashes. We had fighting through the war, but things started crashing and they’re finding vehicles and they’re finding occupants, and they don’t know what it is. They’re like, ‘Where are these coming from?’

«They probably thought it was one particular thing. And then they start you digging into people’s encounters and people are having contact and then not all the stories are good and people are getting hurt, and things are changing.

«And they’re looking into our mind and into our DNA, and then finding out over time, maybe these things aren’t coming from other planets, these crafts seem to be doing things in the air, that has to do with frequency. And then there’s understanding, you know, the universe, the world around us over decades, and we go, ‘Oh, my God, these things might be coming through time.’

«It’s just like, every time we find something out, it’s so much bigger and more complex, and potentially damaging to us in various ways.»

While DeLonge’s statements could be dismissed as wild musings, he was somewhat vindicated back in July, after claims were espoused in a special hearing that alien life not only exists but has traveled to Earth, with specimens held by the U.S. government. Research by his To The Stars Academy was also cited.

In a session of the House Oversight Committee, part of an investigation of claims regarding UFOs, witnesses testified that the government had been aware of non-human activity since the 1930s.

«The UFO Hearings today made history,» DeLonge wrote in an Instagram post at the time. «I am so proud of the three witnesses today that blew the lid off the UFO secrecy that has been intact for decades.»

‘Monsters of California’

DeLonge’s dedication to the study of UFOs, which dates back to his childhood, is the basis for his recently released movie Monsters of California, which is also his directorial debut.

The sci-fi film follows a teen who discovers research left behind by a missing government agent. The boy and his high school friends embark on an adventure to uncover a paranormal conspiracy that leads them to discover government secrets.

Discussing how elements of his own life were mirrored in the movie, DeLonge told Newsweek that it «very much maps up with myself, where I have had numerous situations where I’ve seen these things. And I’ve had really weird things happen. I have been in plenty of meetings and with people that absolutely are in the know. I have been a part of high-level discussions to bring this out to the world. And that’s really all in the movie.»

He sees Monsters of California as «an opportunity to create a vehicle that has an emotional component to get people to understand the complexity of all this stuff, that can inspire and can get people excited to learn.

«Hopefully over time, it’s one of the pieces of the large puzzle to get humanity to kind of join together and start growing out of this tribal warfare that might have been planned all along, so we don’t come together and realize what we’re capable of.»

DeLonge also wants the movie to «inspire wonder, conversation, [and] let you know it’s complicated, let you know it’s different than you think it is. Like, there’s good and bad elements to it, and that we don’t understand everything, and really get young people to start talking about it.»

Potential Danger

In sharing the story, DeLonge wants the public to unite as they prepare to accept that their potential experiences with alien life forms will likely not be warm and fuzzy E.T.-style encounters.

«I think people have to prepare for the real hard truth that some of this is really bad. What they’re doing is bad, but some of this is good,» he said. «And some of this will create a better situation for humanity. I think once we learn about it, we’re going to learn that all of our [beliefs] are totally superficial and perhaps planned to keep us kind of divided.

«So if the world comes together and accepts nature the way it is, and we learn our varying capacities… and what we’re able to do as humanity and human beings, things are going to really change. And we’ll come together, and we’ll have breakthroughs once we understand the universe. I think that’s the real benefit.

«But you know… you don’t have to tell your kids that [terrorists] are beheading people, but you can let them know there’s bad people out there. But you also teach compassion, and you can also get people to come together and start to realize we’re all one. We’re all transducers of our environment, we’re antennae of consciousness, and so forth.»

Public Skepticism

While the plethora of shows and movies about aliens and UFO sightings have proven to be enduringly popular over the decades, they might not necessarily serve as evidence that the public is buying what DeLonge is selling. Public opinion shows that DeLonge has his work cut out for him in his quest to spread awareness.

According to figures from Statista published in January, 39 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, while 35 percent don’t and another 26 percent don’t know. One percent skipped answering altogether.

DeLonge told Newsweek that the ongoing public skepticism «always baffles» him, noting that that work carried out at To The Stars Academy involves people who are «still technical advisors to the U.S. government on UFOs.»

«We got the Navy to admit it’s real, we got the [Department of Defense] to admit it’s real,» he went on. «The Congressional Task Force, we were a big part of that getting set up. Whistleblowers came and testified, live on camera under oath, about the big program, that we have craft, we have biologics.»

Assuring that much of that information will be disclosed through Congress, DeLonge said that «the fight of how we talk about it is happening. So when people kind of dismiss it, which they do, it does baffle me. But I also understand that there’s so much going on in the world. Like, how do you notice these things when the Middle East is on fire? And how do you notice these things when economy is hurting everybody? You’re just trying to get your kids to school. So I get it.

«But there’s something else too. I mean, the U.S. government spearheaded, with all of our allies across the world, to disinform the public for over 70 years, to make people feel like it’s stupid, and that it’s not real. But they actually had good reasons for that. They needed time to understand it, and they needed time to come up with a plan on how to deal with it. So it’s partially their fault, too, but partially for good reason.»

Artificial Intelligence, Time Travel

Adding another layer to theories about otherworldly life, DeLonge also shared his belief that what many perceive to be aliens may actually be artificial intelligence and advanced humans simultaneously living in the future.

«I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the things that are here, biological AI computers,» he said. «They’re living organic beings that are cloned to travel around and do certain things. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the things that are coming here are the ones that made them.

«And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the things that are coming here are more like us, and don’t get along with the ones that made the clones and maybe they have their own clones.»

Would this then mean that DeLonge sees time travel as a possibility? Yes, he said, although he theorized that it would take the force of «antimatter or the power of, like, a black hole.»

«Time is not linear, it’s parallel,» he explained. «It’s just our point of view where we feel we travel forward in time. But everything that can happen and is happening, it’s all happening right at once. And it’s all separated by frequency, all different, various frequencies of the spectrum. And so you have civilizations that are towards the end of their [existence] that are literally side by side us.»

DeLonge said his Blink-182 bandmates Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus were also among those he had to talk around when it came to his wide-ranging theories.

«For years, it was always a topic of laughter and making fun of me, but in good spirits,» he said. «They’re like brothers to me. And then when it all started happening, and I was working with people from the U.S. government, they were like, ‘Oh, my God, are you serious? You gotta be kidding me! You?’ I was like, ‘I told you!’ It’s super funny.

«Now it’s a very healthy respect. And now I get the real questions from them. But they support me and we have a little moment during our shows where Mark, my bandmate, will go, ‘Guess what? Tom was right!’ And then we play the song.»

The song in question? «Aliens Exist,» of course.

Uncommon Knowledge

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.