18 de enero de 2025


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“I Tested A UFO In Area 51” | Medium

“I Tested A UFO In Area 51” | Medium

“My name is Robert Miller, and what I’m about to tell you is something I’ve never even told my closest relatives. My mother suspected something, but she never asked me directly.Image edited by the author.I decided to tell you, being older, so that the public would know the truth. These are some of the most

“My name is Robert Miller, and what I’m about to tell you is something I’ve never even told my closest relatives. My mother suspected something, but she never asked me directly.

Image edited by the author.

I decided to tell you, being older, so that the public would know the truth. These are some of the most amazing discoveries and achievements of humanity that are hidden from you.

I got my pilot’s license at the age of 15. And when I was the right age, I was drafted into the Navy as a pilot. Then I became one of the best pilots in the Navy. And when I was 28, I thought I would leave them, find a job at our house, for example, and start a family. All this was happening before a letter came to me. I received a letter, which I opened privately, in which I was informed that I had been selected for a TOP SECRET position as a test pilot at Groom Lake Test Base (part of Area 51).

I thought that was awesome! It also said that on Friday at 3:30, a plane would pick me up at the Las Vegas airport and take me there. The Los Angeles airport has a civilian section and a military section, where regular flights take off for Area 51 employees. So I flew in around midnight, and then two men in black escorted me somewhere underground. The building was built on the side of the mountain, and yes, the Men in Black are absolutely real! Trust me, they are really real.

I remember walking down the long corridors where there were many doors on both sides. I went down a few steps — it must have been somewhere underground — where I was taken to a little room with a table and a bed. There they told me that this is where I will live for the next two months. It was just a small bed and a nightstand. No more.

Some kind of exercise? Before I even had a chance to say “No,” the two men left and locked the door behind them. There was no reason to blame those people for anything. You have to do what you’re told, whatever it is. (The military model of callousness.)

I looked in one of the drawers on the table, and there I found a pamphlet with a title, something to the effect of “Working in the Groom’s Lake.” I sat on the bed and started reading. It was said there that another 1200 people work at…