Perfectly shaped ‘UFO cloud’ creates spectacle in sky above Hobart. Images / Supplied

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Perfectly shaped ‘UFO cloud’ creates spectacle in sky above Hobart. Images / Supplied

A cloud ‘perfectly shaped as a UFO’ has been spotted in the sky above Southern Tasmania, but weather experts say it’s not a sign of visitors from outer space.

This phenomenon, known as lenticular clouds, occurs when the air moves in a wave-like motion near the base of mountains.

Meteorologist Michael Conway has previously told Pulse the way the ‘Altocumulus Lenticularis’ clouds form all comes down to the air.

“It is a cloud usually found downstream of mountains, at a height of a few km, and is stationary or near stationary,” Conway said.

The cloud was spotted in Brighton just before 11am. Image / Supplied

People from the Derwent Valley to the Huon Valley were able to catch a glimpse of the cloud, which are frequently observed in Tasmanian skies.

Conway believes the state is “one of the top locations in the world to spot them”.