6 de octubre de 2024


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The truth is out there: 3 vintage stories about UFOs and unexplainable encounters

The truth is out there: 3 vintage stories about UFOs and unexplainable encounters

People have been reporting mysterious sightings in the sky forever. Some even have proof. The truth is out there: 3 vintage stories about UFOs and unexplainable encounters People have been reporting mysterious sightings in the sky forever. Some even have proof. Darkness, emptiness. Nothing. If we can't see it, it's not there or is it

People have been reporting mysterious sightings in the sky forever. Some even have proof.

The truth is out there: 3 vintage stories about UFOs and unexplainable encounters

People have been reporting mysterious sightings in the sky forever. Some even have proof.

Darkness, emptiness. Nothing. If we can’t see it, it’s not there or is it, most of us never see an unidentified flying object? *** UFO? But can we say for sure there’s nothing out there tonight, we begin the journey to answer the question. We alone, we’re satisfied there’s something there. That’s not *** point of question anymore. The question is, what is it to try and answer these questions? We came here, Chicago, home of the Center for UFO studies and the most extensive research done on extraterrestrial activity. What are UFO S? Well, speaking personally, I think that it’s an extraterrestrial intelligence of some kind. I don’t know we’re from or what it’s for or anything about it. I just think it’s somewhere else. It’s nothing from the earth. Sherman. Larson is *** UFOLOGIST. He collects and classifies UFO data. It ends up here in file cabinet after file cabinet, we were surprised at the number of UFO sightings in our area close to 250 in just the last 20 years. Cincinnati sightings like this one case number 4558 October 22 1975 Covington Kentucky shortly after 9 p.m. RP. We call him was working late at the Covington municipal building. While across the river, the Reds were battling it out in the third game of the World Series. RP was listening to the big game on the radio. He reached to turn up the game, glanced out the window, then he saw it. He didn’t know what it was. It looked like *** ball of orange light hovering over the city of Covington. Experts call that sighting *** close encounter of the first kind visual contact. In our next report, we’ll show you *** close encounter of the third kind and the Cincinnati flap of 1973. This is how one of those UFOs looked to two Hyde Park boys case number 32 71. October 27 1973. It’s just one of *** large number of sightings at one time that’s called *** UFO flap reports where we thought we were being uh now why that? And then suddenly by uh the end of the year, this started in September and October, November and by the first of the year they were gone. Now, how do you account for that? We in research frankly don’t know. Leonard Stringfield is *** well known Cincinnati UIST. He’s been investigating UFOs in this area for over 30 years, *** prominent UFO consultant to the US Air Force and author of Situation Red, the UFO siege. Springfield’s cases include more than just sightings. There were just suddenly *** burst of *** concentration of low level sightings of the UFO and uh uh many close encounters and some landings. Case number 32 85. 1 of Springfield’s most publicized *** close encounter of the third kind contact with an alien. It was in this parking lot that Maggie Smith as we’ll call her saw something. She was living over there in that trailer court. When something happened, she still can’t explain. She met us here to tell us what she saw that night. It was 7 30 on *** Sunday evening. She was to meet us here away from family and friends. She wanted to keep her identity *** secret, afraid of ridicule. Here’s her account of what happened the night of October 24 1973. Glance down and I saw the lights blue and gray and beautiful, glanced out to *** creature was hovering over *** car. His body was no shape to him at all. And I hear *** big boom and just as I heard the boom, I ran to the window and the thing it was gone. Nobody believes you. When you say you saw it, you know, you see one. They said no and said, oh, come on around us. That’s all I can say. Investigator Springfield’s conclusion. I remember drilling her over and over from every possible way trying to break down the case because it did seem *** little ridiculous, but I wasn’t able to do so because she always came right through and she was no hoaxer, that’s for sure she was, she was not *** hoaxer. So why do people continue to doubt UFO sightings? We’ll look into the controversy surrounding the Cincinnati UFO story. In our next report in searching through the files at the Center for UFO studies in Chicago. We came across case number 2373 *** retired coal miner from Pine Knot Kentucky reported seeing an alien. He described it like this. I saw the creature Twix the house in the barn. It looked like an ape with *** face like soured cole and smelled like an outhouse. It hovered over in what looked like *** big frying pan. We read mountains of all kinds of sightings. Some were highly questionable. The subject has, you know, has *** crackpot and um and there are crack pots attracted to it. Us senators saw two ufos. Now this is where most of us read about unidentified flying objects. The National Enquirer, not exactly the most credible source and that’s the point. *** lot of us find it just plain hard to believe in flying saucers. Most of the published literature on ufos is worthless. You, you go to *** library, you take out *** book on the subject and unless you know something of the background, you’re not going to know whether it’s *** reasonable writer accurately presenting authentic information. Jerry Clark is *** ufologist at the Center for UFO Studies. How do you convince somebody that you’re not *** crackpot? That’s an interesting question. It, I think the only way you can do it is by not acting and thinking like *** crackpot and showing that you are taking, you are using the kind of intellectual discipline when you’re dealing with UFO S that you would be dealing with any other scientific or social question. You can simply show them by example, that example was followed by Hollywood director Steven Spielberg who went through the files at Coos for the basis of the movie, Close encounters of the third kind. This scene from the movie was taken from an actual Ohio case. The siding on file involved an Ohio policeman from *** small town outside of Columbus of all the reported sightings that end up in file after file, how many cases are legitimate? Not very many of them, you know, 5% 10% at the most. It’s very easy for people to mistake things in the sky. But what about the 5% that are unexplainable, what evidence is there? And if there is physical proof, then where is it in military custody? That’s the problem to get around. That would be to deny everything, keep everything to the highest degree of secrecy is the US government keeping UFO research classified. We’ll try to answer that in our next report, whatever UFO state government is doing, if it’s doing any is well hidden, this is Wright Patterson Air Force base in Dayton. Home of project Blue Book, over 2500 UFO sightings were investigated here in *** 22 year span. Now the Blue Book was closed back in 1969. And the findings made public, the vast majority of those UFO sightings were labeled by the Air Force as explainable today, even though the project is unclassified and has been so for years, both Air Force officials here and in Washington DC have refused to talk to us about Blue Book. It was really apr set up because behind the scenes were the technical data. I understand that they got for not only the crash crape craft but other encounters by military pilots and gun camera, Randal and those were all secret and remain secret today. There are rumors that the Air Force knows more than it’s saying rumors surrounding the infamous hangar 18 at Wright Patterson. Most famous one is the Ross sit down to Mexico and there are cases the story there is that something supposedly crashed into the desert and the military came in immediately and surrounded it. Vehicles were brought up there and they were uh the UFO the object was loaded aboard and there were some alien beans which were also taken with them, the deceased and they took them to several places. Supposedly one was Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Do you believe that they are alien bodies and fragments of *** spaceship at Wright Patterson Air Force Base I think there had been, according to witnesses who had worked there in the military uh of all ranks from uh enlisted men to *** uh medical doctor. His claim is that uh that he had performed an autopsy on an alien body back in the early fifties at *** Eastern hospital. The stories are very good and they all agree basically, but we can’t say it’s proof. Believing is one thing in all being satisfied with proof is an entirely different thing. Tomorrow, we’ll explore the future of UFO research and the close encounter of the fourth kind, the lights disappeared. He returned to his truck and tried to start it. The truck was dead. As he glanced at his watch, he discovered that it was midnight four hours after he stopped, he can’t account for that missing time. Witnesses like this have been hypnotized and have told stories of being abducted by aliens during that missing time again. Like all of the other kinds of close encounters, the only proof is an eyewitness testimony and the whole subject remains to this very day, *** complete mystery. There’s no resolution and no real proof or is there? Well, of course, as far as evidence go, we feel we have the evidence in the photographs that have been tested and retested and tested and retested that to us is proof. But *** lot of people, they won’t accept it as proof. So I have to turn the question around what would you accept as proof? There are *** lot of disbelievers, people that say we’ve had astronauts in space for years. Why haven’t we run into one? What do you say to them? What makes you think we have them? After all, we have astronauts who reported seeing UFO S in space. So where does UFO research go from here? It may be that this is *** question that really has been so mishandled in our time that it will have to wait for another generation to pick it up. However, the UFO S won’t go away. The settings will continue, mysterious events will continue to be recorded and they’re going to have to be dealt with sooner or later.


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The truth is out there: 3 vintage stories about UFOs and unexplainable encounters

People have been reporting mysterious sightings in the sky forever. Some even have proof.

Reports of UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) as they are known in more modern times, have seized imaginations for generations. The mystery of what they really are, what they might represent to humanity as a whole, is impossible to ignore. The video above is a special report from 1995 exploring the origin of UFO stories, aliens and abductions. It takes a deep dive into why we are interested in these phenomena.WATCH the video above to see the answer to the chilling question, «Are we alone?»Below you can find three other videos we dug from our archives. Every day citizens shared their mysterious encounters with reporters in an effort to find the truth behind what they saw. Some even had proof to back up their stories.WATCH: Man recorded encounter with ‘UFO’ in 1996One man saw a mysterious glow in the sky in 1996. He quickly grabbed a camcorder to capture the strange event. The video of the UFO was analyzed by an expert who came to a surprising conclusion.Officers report encounter with UFO while in helicopter in 1993Two Kentucky police officers were flying a helicopter at a scene of a suspect break-in in 1993 when they saw something they couldn’t explain. They said a fast-traveling, egg-shaped UFO shot three fireballs at them before flying away.‘It’s not a plane, it’s not a star’: Couple talks about seeing “classic UFO’ in 1985A married couple talked to a reporter about a UFO they saw multiple times in 1985. The FAA at a nearby airport confirmed a radar tracking of the sightings.

Reports of UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) as they are known in more modern times, have seized imaginations for generations. The mystery of what they really are, what they might represent to humanity as a whole, is impossible to ignore.

The video above is a special report from 1995 exploring the origin of UFO stories, aliens and abductions. It takes a deep dive into why we are interested in these phenomena.

WATCH the video above to see the answer to the chilling question, «Are we alone?»

Below you can find three other videos we dug from our archives. Every day citizens shared their mysterious encounters with reporters in an effort to find the truth behind what they saw. Some even had proof to back up their stories.

WATCH: Man recorded encounter with ‘UFO’ in 1996

One man saw a mysterious glow in the sky in 1996. He quickly grabbed a camcorder to capture the strange event. The video of the UFO was analyzed by an expert who came to a surprising conclusion.

Officers report encounter with UFO while in helicopter in 1993

Two Kentucky police officers were flying a helicopter at a scene of a suspect break-in in 1993 when they saw something they couldn’t explain. They said a fast-traveling, egg-shaped UFO shot three fireballs at them before flying away.

‘It’s not a plane, it’s not a star’: Couple talks about seeing “classic UFO’ in 1985

A married couple talked to a reporter about a UFO they saw multiple times in 1985. The FAA at a nearby airport confirmed a radar tracking of the sightings.