8 de febrero de 2025


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UFO sightings in Pembrokeshire: The Broad Haven Triangle story

UFO sightings in Pembrokeshire: The Broad Haven Triangle story

Yes, that's right, the coastal town of Broad Haven and its surrounding areas are almost as famous as the Bermuda Triangle when it comes to mysterious sightings and goings on. It all began back in the 1970s when a group of schoolchildren reported seeing a UFO in a nearby field when standing in the playground. 

Yes, that’s right, the coastal town of Broad Haven and its surrounding areas are almost as famous as the Bermuda Triangle when it comes to mysterious sightings and goings on.

It all began back in the 1970s when a group of schoolchildren reported seeing a UFO in a nearby field when standing in the playground. 

This sighting sparked an explosion of UFO sightings, with more than 450 reported soon after in and around the Broad Haven area. 

These sightings made headlines all over the world, prompting the name The Broad Haven Triangle.

Western Telegraph: Do you believe in aliens and UFOs?Do you believe in aliens and UFOs? (Image: Getty Images)

What is the Broad Haven Triangle?

To explain the story of the Broad Haven Triangle we must cast our minds back to February 4, 1977. The scene – Broad Haven Primary School.

It is reported that 15 pupils ran into the school from the playground excitedly telling teachers they had seen a «silver-suited spaceman coming out of a spaceship» in a field by the school. 

The teachers are said to have not believed them, carrying on with their lessons. The pupils also tried telling friends, family and parents but no adult would take them seriously. 

The Best of Wales added: «The next day, so miffed were they by this inattention, that they handed in a petition to the police, demanding the incident be investigated properly.

«All the fuss caused the headmaster to take the UFO sighting a little more seriously than he had before.

«He gathered all the children involved in the incident together and asked them to draw what they had seen.»

To the headteacher’s surprise, all the drawings were almost identical with all bearing a highly consistent resemblance to each other – showing a saucer-shaped UFO with a dome on top.

The headmaster of the school at the time of the sighting – Ralph Llewhellin – wrote in his school journal that he was of the firm opinion that the children had indeed witnessed something that couldn’t be explained.

Western Telegraph: The sky near Broad Haven Primary School where a UFO allegedly appeared back in 1977.The sky near Broad Haven Primary School where a UFO allegedly appeared back in 1977. (Image: Broad Haven Primary School)

Current headmaster Gareth Lewis said: «We get three or four phone calls every year from people all over the world, including UFO organisations, who want to come and film the area.

«We’ll never know what happened on February 4, 1977, but the story remains just as important for our children today as it did then.

«It’s an integral part of Broad Haven’s history and our pupils are entitled to learn as much about it as they can.”

However, this was only the beginning. 

Another local family – The Coombs who were employed at the Ripperston farm – not long after the reported sighting at the primary school said they saw a «7-ft silver-suited being with a black visor» appear outside their window. 

This wasn’t all. They also reported UFO sightings, constant mechanical disturbances (including their car and television set repeatedly breaking down) and their cows seemingly being teleported from one field to another, reports The Best of Wales.

One of the other more famous incidents occurred around the Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven.

The owner of the hotel at the time – Rose Granville – claimed she had seen a saucer-shaped UFO outside of the hotel window.

The Best of Wales, explaining what Mrs Granville saw, said: «Strange humanoids, wearing whitish boiler suits, emerged from the UFO and walked around for a bit as if gathering something.

«Mrs. Granville went to fetch other residents of the hotel to show them, but found the UFO and its mysterious occupants gone by the time she returned.»

These are but a few of the hundreds of sightings that are said to have been reported around the Broad Haven area.

Some of these reported sightings have been revealed as hoaxes and it was said «silver suits, somewhat resembling those described by the eye-witnesses (in the 70s), were in use at a nearby oil refinery. 

But the Best of Wales concluded: «The temptation is to dismiss all of the incidents because of a few fake ones.

«It’s difficult to see how hoaxers could account for all of the flying objects that were sighted, however, so fakery cannot provide a complete explanation for events in the Broad Haven area as a whole.

«Whether these sightings are true or not, they provide an interesting atmosphere to Broad Haven!»

Netflix documentary on The Broad Haven Triangle

The mysterious sightings in Broad Haven have become so well known, that they now feature in a Netflix documentary series.

The four-part investigative Netflix docuseries Encounters sees eyewitnesses and experts discuss sightings of unexplained phenomena including in Broad Haven. 

The First episode of Encounters is called The Broad Haven Triangle and the description reads: «A close encounter at a children’s school in a tiny Welsh village spurs a series of sightings.

«An astrophysicist theorises about aliens and water.»