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Family working to restore UFO-shaped home in DeWitt Township

Family working to restore UFO-shaped home in DeWitt Township

DEWITT TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WILX) - A few months ago, a unique home went for sale in DeWitt Township. A futuristic design resembling a flying saucer and a one-of-a-kind home now has new owners.Previous coverage: Out-of-this-world UFO-shaped home in DeWitt Township seeks new ownerJennie Shire and Sam Postema, from Lainsburg, officially moved in at the end

DEWITT TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WILX) – A few months ago, a unique home went for sale in DeWitt Township. A futuristic design resembling a flying saucer and a one-of-a-kind home now has new owners.

Previous coverage: Out-of-this-world UFO-shaped home in DeWitt Township seeks new owner

Jennie Shire and Sam Postema, from Lainsburg, officially moved in at the end of August. Although the home is a bit of a fixer-upper, they said they are more than ready for the challenge.

The home was truly a hidden gem that seemed to have descended straight from the animated world of “The Jetsons.” It was built in 1994 by Robert Clark—the previous owner who passed in December 2022.

Clark put a lot of time into the property, and Shire and Postema said they will do their best to revitalize the home to its former glory.

After the house was put on the market, it was booked with showings. Shire said they almost lost it to another buyer. When that buyer backed out, the house was theirs.

“I was stalking realtor.com, and I seen it come up, and I sent it to everybody purely as a joke, and immediately everybody was like, we need to go look at it,” said Shire.

“Yeah, it needs to be updated, but every house you buy needs to be updated, so it really wasn’t any different. It was just a very unique, cool-looking house that no one else has, so it was perfect for us,” said Postema.

The house has tons of twists and turns—almost every room in the home is rounded. The couple said they will remove some of the curves to make the home more functional for their family while still staying true to the original owner’s vision when he built it.

“Nobody’s ever seen something like this before, even though it’s been right here all these years, nobody really even knew it was here,” said Shire.

“It had everything we wanted in a house that we were willing to fix up,” said Postema.

The family is no stranger to a fixer-upper. The duo worked on homes in the past, but this would be their first time documenting the journey.

They are unsure when all of the renovations will be finished on the home, but they are planning on updating everyone on their journey on TikTok.

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